Moeite met het aantrekken van klanten en deals sluiten?

Boost! je sales met XMS.

Meer Omzet, Minder Kosten & Meer Winst...

Boost! je sales met XMS.

Meer Omzet, Minder Kosten & Meer Winst...

XMS Cross Media System vervangt:

XMS Cross Media System Is Het Enige Wat Je Nog Nodig Hebt Om Je Sales & Marketing Naar

"The Next Level" Te Brengen!

Meer Klanten

Zonder moeite leads genereren, nurturen en transformeren met behulp van onze beproefde lead generatie software. XMS voorziet u van alles wat je nodig hebt om klantenbestand uit te breiden en te verzekeren.

Terugkerende Klanten

Verkrijg waardevolle inzichten via enquêtes en formulieren, terwijl u online afspraken inplant. Dit zorgt voor klantbetrokkenheid en biedt hen up-to-date informatie. Zo komen klanten steeds weer en geniet jij van Meer Omzet en Meer Winst...

Geef je Sales een Boost!

Verhoog uw verkoop met het XMS Cross Media System. Neem de controle over uw verkoop en marketing zoals nooit tevoren. Begin vandaag aan uw reis en trasformeer je business in een Non Stop Geautomatiseerde Sales Machine!

The All-in-One Tool To Boost Your Sales

Alles Wat Je Nodig Hebt Om Leads

Te Genereren, Nurturen En Vooral

Converteren Naar Sales En Winst...

Genereer leads

Grijp Elke Lead En Kans...

Stop met het mislopen van potentiële verkopen omdat u uw leads niet vastgrijpt. Nu mensen van u weten, laten we die leads vastgrijpen zodat we ze kunnen omzetten in klanten.

Nurture je leads

Leads Opwarmen Naar Klanten

Bereik uw klanten moeiteloos, waar ze ook zijn: sociale media, e-mail, sms, Whatsapp, voicemail, chat. Volg nieuwe leads binnen 5 minuten op met automatische berichten. Betrek uw leads met nurture campagnes zodat u altijd top of mind blijft.

Converteer naar €!

En Maak Meer Winst 💪🏼

Gebruik de kracht om meer deals te sluiten. U weet precies waar elke potentiële klant zich bevindt in het koopproces, zodat u zich kunt richten op degenen die het dichtst bij het afsluiten zijn.

Bespaar Tijd, Geld En Werk Slimmer, Niet Harder.

XMS Cross Media System: Uw Alles-in-één Marketing & Sales Oplossing!

XMS Cross Media System


Dashboard met KPI Overzicht

Meten Is Weten - Hou je cijfers bij en weet welke kanalen je het meeste opleveren en welke niet!


Inbox voor al je Berichten

Communiceer via Telefoon, Voicemail Drops, SMS, E-mail, Instagram DM, Messenger en zelfs via Whatsapp. Alles centraal in de conversatie inbox.


Contacten en Leads

Genereer Leads en volg ze op in de Pipeline.


Opportuniteiten en Pipelines

Herken opportuniteiten op basis van Lead Scoring.


Kalenders en Online Afspraken

Koppel uw agenda met Google of Microsoft 365.

XMS Cross Media System vervangt:

XMS Cross Media System vervangt:

Websites en Funnels


Website, Funnels en Landingpagina's

Websites bouwen en onderhouden was nog nooit zo gemakkelijk, maak website pagina's, funnels en landingpagina's en zet je bedrijf op de kaart.


Lead Forms, Quizzes en Surveys

Bouw alle formulieren, Quizzes en Multi Step Formulieren (surveys) en integreer ze op je site.

Save Time, Money And Your Business!

XMS Cross Media System Replaces

A Big Deal Of Other Marketing Software Out There!

Your CRM System On Steroids

Dashboard With KPI Overview

Our intuitive platform allows you to

create full featured

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Inbox For All Your Messages

Built right in is the ability to capture

leads through

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Contacts And Leads

Capture appointments and request


Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Opportunities And Pipelines

Capture appointments and request


Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Calenders And Appointments

Capture appointments and request


Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Your Websites And Funnels

Website, Funnels And Landingpage Builder

XMS allows you to connect with your leads through

Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails

and even Facebook Messenger.

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Lead Capture Forms, Quizzes And Surveys

XMS allows you to connect with your leads through

Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails

and even Facebook Messenger.

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Marketing & Automatisatie Hub


Campagne en Email Builder

E-mails versturen was nooit zo makkelijk, bouw, bewaar en verstuur...


Social Media Planner

Social Media Posts plannen, eenvoudig en snel.


Chat Widget

Chat Widget voor je websites en landingspagina's.


Marketing Automatisatie

Vervang Zapier of Make en maak al je automatisaties in het XMS platform.

XMS Cross Media System vervangt:

Your Marketing And Automation Hub

Campaign And Email Builder

With our built-in Pipeline Management feature, you

can keep track of where the leads are and what

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Social Media Planner

We integrate directly with Stripe so you can collect

payments on websites, funnels, and even when

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Chat Widget

Our dashboard keeps an overview of where the

leads are, and how much money has been

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Workflow Automations

Our dashboard keeps an overview of where the

leads are, and how much money has been

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Your Reputation And Reporting

Review And Reputation Management

XMS allows you to connect with your leads through

Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails

and even Facebook Messenger.

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Campaign, Attribution, Call And Agent Reporting

XMS allows you to connect with your leads through

Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails

and even Facebook Messenger.

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

XMS Cross Media System vervangt:

Your Reputation And Reporting


Review And Reputation Management

XMS allows you to connect with your leads through

Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails

and even Facebook Messenger.


Campaign, Attribution, Call And Agent Reporting

XMS allows you to connect with your leads through

Phone Connect, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails

and even Facebook Messenger.

Your XMS Magic AI®


OmniChannel AI Marketing Campaigns With Ease

With our built-in Pipeline Management feature, you

can keep track of where the leads are and what


AI Driven Automatic Appointment Setter Coming Q1‘ 24

We integrate directly with Stripe so you can collect

payments on websites, funnels, and even when


AI Conversations And Messaging Responses Coming Q2 ‘24

Our dashboard keeps an overview of where the

leads are, and how much money has been

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Your XMS Magic AI®

OmniChannel AI Marketing Campaigns With Ease

With our built-in Pipeline Management feature, you

can keep track of where the leads are and what

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

AI Driven Automatic Appointment Setter Coming Q1 ‘24

We integrate directly with Stripe so you can collect

payments on websites, funnels, and even when

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

AI Conversations And Messaging Responses Coming Q2 ‘24

Our dashboard keeps an overview of where the

leads are, and how much money has been

Cancel Anytime

XMS CRM Systems On Steroids Replaces:

Find Succes Online With XMS Marketing

All The Tools You Need To Boost Your Profits Dramatically

Met Meer Dan 20 Tools, Inclusief onze 🤖 XMS Magic AI®,

Ben Je Klaar Voor De Digitale Marketing Revolutie!

With Over 16 Tools Including Magic AI You Are Ready To Rule Future Marketing!

Explore The Opinions Of Entrepeneurs Like Yourself Regarding XMS Cross Media System!

Listen and Find Out...

Gunther Van De Walle

Gold Estates

“Our intuitive platform allows you to create full featured websites with custom menus. Create high-performing and captivating landing pages all in one place!”

Jesse Mellema


“Our intuitive platform allows you to create full featured websites with custom menus. Create high-performing and captivating landing pages all in one place!”

Bruno De Troch


“Our intuitive platform allows you to create full featured websites with custom menus. Create high-performing and captivating landing pages all in one place!”

Traditional Marketing Is Dead?

Do You Like To Experience The Power Of A Tsunami?

Sign Up And Discover How To Unlock Your Business Succes!

XMS Markting & Sales

XMS. The Future All-In-One Tool To Grow Your Business

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s included in the monthly subscription?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

How can XMS integrate with my existing website?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

Can I acces XMS on mobile devices?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

What marketing channels can be managed by XMS?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

Is XMS easy to use?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

Where is the data stored?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

When I have questions, is there support?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

How about hosting of the website / funnels / landing pages?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

How do I cancel?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

FAQ image

XMS CMS, a XMS-Marketing Product

All Rights Reserved © 2021-2023

Adres in Belgium


XMS Admin Panel

XMS API Connector

XMS Fingerprint Tag

XMS Messaging Tool

XMS Magic AI

Coming Soon


Contact CRM

Chat Widget


Workflow Automations


Opportunities & Pipelines

Email Builder

Website & Funnel Builder

Membership Sites

Surveys & Forms

Social Media Planner


Review & Reputation


Origin Story

Meet The Team



Affiliate Program


Privacy Policy


XMS Marketing 3.0 Login

XMS Products Login

Help Center

XMS Business Tools

XMS Marketing Status

XMS CMS, a XMS-Marketing Product

All Rights Reserved © 2021-2023

Adres in Belgium


XMS Admin Panel

XMS API Connector

XMS Fingerprint Tag

XMS Messaging Tool

XMS Magic AI

Coming Soon


Contact CRM

Chat Widget


Workflow Automations


Opportunities & Pipelines

Email Builder

Website & Funnel Builder

Membership Sites

Surveys & Forms

Social Media Planner


Review & Reputation


Origin Story

Meet The Team



Affiliate Program


Privacy Policy


XMS Marketing 3.0 Login

XMS Products Login

Help Center

XMS Business Tools

XMS Marketing Status